Worship at Sojourn


Worship is one of the primary ways we encounter God. When Sojourn gathers together, we gather to be renewed in our commitment to live and love like Jesus.

Non-Traditional Worship

We believe that worship should be interactive: a time to support one another on our inward faith journeys. Our time together is centered around a small-group style discussion on area of study or Bible passage. Our small size allows for vibrant conversations and deep sharing. Check out our Upcoming Events to discover our current topic series. During our time together, we also share prayer requests, light the peace candle, and listen to scripture and hymns. Children are invited to participate in a time just for them. On third Sundays, we stay afterwards to share a potluck with the Quakers.

Worship is CASUAL. dress as you feel most comfortable.


Sojourn currently hold non-traditional worship services from 9:30am to 11:00am at the Friends Fort Collins Meeting (Quakers). In April 2024, we will gather every Sunday morning. We are following the Narrative Lectionary for our discussions. Check our Upcoming Events to see what’s happening at Sojourn!

Children are part of sojourn’s community.

Worship services on the 1st and 3rd Sundays includes a Children’s Time designed to engage children in worship and open their hearts to honoring others and loving God. Every Sunday children are invited to join the Quaker children at First Day School where they learn about SPICES: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship. A qualified child care volunteer, who has undergone a thorough background check leads First Day School. Parents are welcome to keep their children with them in the service, if that’s preferred.