Visit Sojourn

Join us for hybrid services on Sunday mornings from 9:30am to 11am. We meet on 1st and 3rd Sunday mornings with occasional adjustments for holidays. You are welcome to join whichever way is more comfortable for you: in-person or online.

We meet at Fort Collins Friends Meeting, located at 2222 W Vine Drive, Fort Collins, CO. We meet in the First Day School, which is the west most building. Enter through the double glass doors on the far west side of the First Day School. You may park on W Vine Drive or around the corner on Hillcrest Drive. On third Sundays, stay after worship for a joint potluck with the Quakers. To join online, please contact us for the Zoom link.

Worship is casual. Dress as you feel most Comfortable.


Wherever you are on your faith journey, you are welcome to join us.

We strive to welcome people without pretense. Our hope is that Sojourn will be a place where people develop meaningful relationships with each other and with God.

Come as you are


Children at sojourn

Worship service includes a Children’s Time designed to engage children in worship and open their hearts to honoring others and loving God. Afterwards, children are invited to join the Quaker children at First Day School, where they learn about SPICES: Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, and Stewardship. First Day School teachers undergo a thorough background check in order to ensure the safety of our younger church.  Parents are welcome to keep their children with them in the worship service, if that’s preferred.